Competition. Deadline 31. January 2024

My Time with Math

The Emotional Aspect of Mathematics

MathTime is looking for your very personal math-related contribution! Set free your true feelings toward math!

Mathematics. Hardly any other school subject triggers passionate feelings as this one. Empirical research shows math is as much loved and valued by some as it is hated by others. We, at MathTime, a mathematical start-up from Vienna (Austria), are digging deeper into the pure emotional experience related to this subject and making those emotions visible. We won’t shy away from the negative feelings.They are often suppressed, unspoken, and unexplored. We’ll give them light too.

The subject of your contribution?

  • your own feelings and emotions toward Math. We recognize that life isn’t black and white. Mixed feelings are expected!
  • your encounters with Math: dramatic, funny, frightening, enlightening, frustrating, triumphant, epic, romantic, tragic, comic, shameful, horrific, thrilling, fantastic, absurd, therapeutic, escapist, etc., etc., etc., in the past or in the present – and why not in the future too.

In one of the three main categories:

1. video (up to 2 min.)

2. image

  • meme
  • drawing /comic-strip (per hand or computer)
  • poster (per hand or computer)
  • (staged) photo

3. text

  • short statement or an essay (up to 500 words)
  • poem

Our prizes

for sharing your positive experience / feelings*
for sharing your negative experience / feelings**

* The submission’s content could be either entirely positive or mixed however the positive character must be prevailing.

* * The submission’s content could be either entirely negative or mixed however the negative character must be prevailing.

Simeonov Special Prize

700 €

1st Prize

300 €

2nd Prize

200 €

3rd Prize

100 €

Given by the initiator and CEO of MathTime Emil Simeonov, mathematician, philosopher, and musician.

Important Dates

The call is open to everyone, from 5 to 99+ of age

Start of submissions

15 December 2023

End of submission

31 January 2024

End of assessment of the proposals

15 February 2024

Announcement of the winners

29 February 2024

Note: Our web space is limited. Only 400 submissions will be allowed. It’s worth being fast.

Terms and conditions

By submitting your data, you confirm that you have carefully read and accepted the terms and conditions. You can find the complete terms and conditions here:


Please, submit your contribution using the following e-mail:
For further questions please, send an e-mail to

We are looking forward to your participation!

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