
The Viennese startup with the aim of facilitating access to mathematics for children of all ages

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What we do

We provide an exciting and playful way to show children how fun mathematics can be. To do this, we offer innovative products and services that combine learning and enjoyment.

Unique approaches

Multilingual courses

Supportive materials

Innovative tools

Exciting and fun games

Rhythmic exercises

10-omat im Klasseneinsatz

Our approach


Engage and include ALL children (special emphasis is placed on groups that are underrepresented in STEM subjects)


Teach children that everyone can develop strong math skills and that mistakes help us learn


Enhance the enjoyment of math through unique games and rhythmic exercises


Develop confidence and skills which provide lifelong benefits

Our Team


Carlo SequinProfessor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley
Doris RieglerPrimary school teacher, Vienna
Doris RieglerPrimary school teacher, Vienna
10-omat & 100-Netz Lernbuch
Bianca KönigshoferPrimary school teacher, Vienna

“I really enjoyed seeing all those kids on Family-Day at Bridges 2023 in Halifax eagerly recreating the various shapes composed of the PENTRAM tiles!”

“Für die Kinder war es sehr gut zu sehen, dass es nach dem Zehner weitergeht. Keine Sprünge wie bei der klassischen 100er-Tafel. Die Sektoren waren hilfreich, um den Aufbau des Hunderters zu verstehen.”

“Ein neuer, sehr ansprechender Ansatz, um den 10er-Übergang zu veranschaulichen. Sehr praktikabel!”

“Kinder haben Übungen gut angenommen! Gut verstanden!”

Our cooperations

We work together with different experts in the field of education and mathematics.

As a start-up, we are also funded by the Vienna Business Agency.

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